Kathleen B. Carr is a partner at Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP, with a specialty in admiralty and maritime law. A former 100-ton passenger vessel captain, Carr has handled complex litigation matters for over 18 years, including admiralty, maritime, and insurance coverage disputes. She can be reached at (617) 951-3326, kcarr@edwardswildman.com.
Articles by Kathleen B. Carr
A “Small Technical Failure”
Cruise Ship Wrecked
Elizabeth Duffy is an associate at Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP, where she practices in the insurance and reinsurance department. She can be reached at eduffy@edwardswildman.com.
Articles by Elizabeth Duffy
A “Small Technical Failure”
Cruise Ship Wrecked
David E. Sigmon is an associate at Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP, where he practices in the insurance and reinsurance department. He can be reached at dsigmon@edwardswildman.com.
Articles by David E. Sigmon
A “Small Technical Failure”